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DG REGIO launches the first rural toolkit!

Categoría General

The first Rural Toolkit is an online guide to EU funding opportunities and support for rural areas.

DG REGIO, in collaboration with other European institutions such as the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and DG AGRI, has created the first online guide focusing on funding opportunities for rural areas in the European Union.

This guide is called Rural Toolkit and will be launched on 6 February, online, from 10:30 to 12:00 (CET).


Who is it guide created for?

The presentation of the Rural Toolkit is especially designed for the rural-related sector, including EU regional and local policy makers, representatives of institutions, companies and associations representing or operating in rural areas.


What can I expect from this online session?

The launch event will serve to present this tool and show how European programmes can foster development in rural territories, supporting the initiatives of local authorities, institutions, businesses and individuals. There will also be time to listen to good practice cases and inspiring stories throughout the event.

You can get further details about the agenda for that day by clicking here.

This initiative is included in the framework of the long-term vision for rural areas devised by the European Commission and focused on addressing the problems facing and opportunities for rural regions in Europe, including a Rural Pact and a Rural Action Plan, to make rural areas stronger, more prosperous and more connected.


How can I register for the event?

You can register by clicking here.

Please note that the Rural Toolkit launch event will be conducted entirely in English.