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Sudoe News

SOS PRADERAS: What happened during the last months?

Categoría Management of projects approved

SOS PRADERAS is a Project to preserve harvested meadows in Southwestern Europe, based on the adecuate and value of seeds. Like so, one of its main activities is the dissemination of information and techniques. And, during the last months, nobody could stop them..

On 23 March, Laura Garcia de la Fuente and Jorge Marquínez, researchers of the Project, atended the biosphere reserve day, organised in Ribadeo (ES), in cooperation with UNESCO. In this context, they explained to biosphere managers the objectives and developments of the Project.

In another hand, from 5 to 8 April, the project took part to the 8th International Symposium of Butterfly Conservation NGO ( at Southampton University (UK). During the event, SOS Praderas had the opportunity to present its poster on the abandnoment of harverest meadows and its consequences on butterfly conservation at the Picos de Europe National Park, which was created by Amparo Mora- biologist of the National Park and technical responsible of the project, Rosa Menendez and Andy Wilby, profesor from Lancaster Environment Centre of the University of Lancaster.

Do you want to know a little bit more about harverest meadows? Here you have =>