Interreg Sudoe - Programme Sudoe Interreg

Sudoe News

Sudoe News

Discover the approved projects in the first call for projects

Categoría General

Every project is presented in a factsheet.

Every approved project is presented in a general way in a factsheet available on the website, in the “projects\approved projects” section. All factsheets have the same design and provide the main information on the project:

  • Partnership: the organisations that make it up are listed and every factsheet is illustrated by a chart to localise the beneficiaries at regional level (NUTS II). Financial information for each beneficiary appear in the list of beneficiaries.
  • Project summary: a short summary for every project is proposed so as to provide a general idea of it.

As the projects are implemented and the deliverables, the principal output or an event organised by the project are issued, the factsheets will be updated.

The projects are currently launching their activities and building their own website. Information about these matters will also be provided in every factsheet as soon as they are available.

If you are interested by a project in particular, you can find in the factsheet the email of the lead beneficiary contact person for further information. 


Updated on: 26/10/2016. As of now, 34 of the 36 approved projects have signed the ERDF grant agreement. The projects Kreative Habitat and Valuepam will sign their grant agreement later on and their factsheet will then be published.